I often take photos on my phone spontaneously. I then consider the thought that perhaps I was meant to take that photo and ponder the possible hidden message it has for me or perhaps its a way of increasing my knowledge on a particular subject? Perhaps its none of that but either way, I use the photo opportunity to have a think about the picture and its possible meaning. I"ll call this "Picture Ponder" in my blog.
Yesterday I was visiting my mum and took this photo of a peach tree blossom. Got me thinking about a possible lesson, meaning or something I can get from having taken that photo.
So here I am brainstorming ideas.... So this is a blossom. Is it meaning that now is the time to let yourself “blossom” into the best person you can be or let your life “blossom” into the wonderful life that it is or could be?
A blossom on a tree will fuflifill itself into a bounty full of produce in the coming months. What project can you work on now to feel the abundant produce in the future? For me, having moved only 5 weeks ago into our new home, I think I need to start organising the home, decluttering and moving towards a more minimalist, simplistic, organised lifestyle. Time consuming work now will blossom into a more peaceful life later on.
Love it :-) We moved into our newly built home 9 months ago and it still looks like the aftermath of a tornado inside and out, where is my damn motivation??!! Perhaps it's time for it to blossom too...